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142 Datensätze gefundenDie Anfrage war Verleger:("academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich, publishers")
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# Ausw.
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Bibliographische QuelleDigitales Objekt
1. IHS
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heathfield, david f. (ed.).
topics in applied macroeconomics
1. york, san francisco, academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich, publishers; 1977. x, 230 pp..
2. IHS
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dixon, l.c.w. (ed.).
optimization in action:proceedings
1. ed., conference on optimization in action ; institute of mathematics and its applications (sp.) ; university of bristol ; 1975,.london, new york, san francisco, academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich. publishers; 1976. xi, 622 pp..
3. IHS
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chester, robert (ed.).
equalities and inequalities in family life:proceedings
1. ed., thirteenth annual symposium of the eugenics society ; the eugenics society london (sp.) ; london ;, new york, san francisco, academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich, publishers; 1977. ix, 200 pp..
4. IHS
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tulving, endel (ed.).
organization of memory
1. york, london, academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich, publishers; 1972. xiii, 423 pp..
5. IHS
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rosenthal, robert (ed.).
artifact in behavioral research:boring, edwin g. ; to the memory of
2. pr.,social psychology, festinger, leon (ed.) ; schachter, stanley (ed.), a series of monographs, treatises, and texts. new york, london, academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich, publishers, festinger, leon (ed.) ; schachter, stanley (ed.); 1973. xiii, 400 pp..
6. IHS
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cox, peter r. (ed.).
equalities and inequalities in education:proceedings
1. ed., eleventh annual symposium of the eugenics society ; the eugenics society london (sp.) ; london ;, new york, san francisco, academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich, publishers; 1975. x, 144 pp..
7. IHS
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carter, c.o. (ed.).
equalities and inequalities in health:proceedings
1. ed., twelfth annual symposium of the eugenics society ; the eugenics society london (sp.) ; london ; 1975,, new york, san francisco, academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich, publishers; 1976. x, 170 pp..
8. IHS
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evans, d.j. (ed.).
software for numerical mathematics:proceedings
2. pr., conference 'software for numerical mathematics' ; institute of mathematics and its applications, loughborough university, new york, academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich, publishers; 1974. xi, 451 pp..
9. IHS
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milgate, murray.
capital and employment:a study of keynes's economics
1. ed.,studies in political economy, eatwell, john (ed.). london, new york, paris, academic press,a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich publishers, eatwell, john (ed.); 1982. xiii, 217 pp..
10. IHS
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hall, p.; heyde, c.c..
martingale limit theory and its application
1. ed.,probability and mathematical statistics, birnbaum, z.w. (ed.) ; lukacs, e. (ed.), a series of monographs and textbooks. new york, london, toronto, academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich, publishers, birnbaum, z.w. (ed.) ; lukacs, e. (ed.); 1980. xii, 308 pp..
142 Datensätze gefundenDie Anfrage war Verleger:("academic press, a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich, publishers")
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