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25 Datensätze gefundenDie Anfrage war Umfang:("103 pp.")
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# Ausw.
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1. IHS
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robinson, joan.
an essay on marxian economics
2. ed.,, macmillan, new york, st martin's press; 1969. xxiv, 103 pp..
2. IHS
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boullion, thomas l.; odell, patrick l..
generalized inverse matrices
1. york, london, sydney, wiley-interscience; 1971. x, 103 pp..
3. IHS
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david, h.a.; moeschberger, m.l..
the theory of competing risks
1. ed.,griffin's statistical monograph series; no.39, stuart, alan (ed.). london, high wycombe, charles griffin and company, stuart, alan (ed.); 1978. vii, 103 pp..
4. IHS
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proceedings of the workshop on 'models for influence and power in non-voting groups'; 3rd volume
1. ed.,institut fuer hoehere studien; institutsarbeiten; 32/iii. wien, institut fuer hoehere studien; 1972, april. (103 pp.).
5. IHS
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marglin, stephen a..
public investment criteria:benefit-cost analysis for planned economic growth
4. impr.,studies in the economic development of india; 4. london, george allen and unwin; 1973. 103 pp..
6. IHS
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Mooslechner, Peter (Ed.).
A Constitutional Treaty for an Enlarged Europe: Institutional and Economic Implications for Economic and Monetary Union
1. Ed., Workshop "A Constitutional Treaty for an Enlarged Europe: Institutional and Economic Implications for Economic and Monetary,Workshops - Proceedings of OeNB Workshops; No. 4. Vienna, Oesterreichische Nationalbank; 2005, February. 103 pp..
Mooslechner, Peter (Ed.) - et al., A Constitutional Treaty for an Enlarged Europe: Institutional and Economic Implications for
7. IHS
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McMillan, John.
Game Theory in International Economics
2. Pr.,Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics; 1, Lesourne, Jacques (Ed.) ; Sonnenschein, Hugo (Ed.) ; Kemp, M. (Ed.), International Trade Section. Camberville, Victoria, Paris, Berlin, Harwood Academic Publishers, Lesourne, Jacques (Ed.) ; Sonnenschein, Hugo (Ed.) ; Kemp, M. (Ed.); 1994. 103 pp..
8. IHS
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abraham, ralph.
linear and multilinear algebra
1. york, amsterdam, w.a. benjamin; 1966. x, 103 pp..
9. IHS
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rao, ambar g..
quantitative theories in advertising
1. ed.,publications in operations research; no. 21, hertz, david b. (ed.), operations research society of america (orsa) (ed.). new york, london, sydney, john wiley and sons, hertz, david b. (ed.), operations research society of america (orsa) (ed.); 1970. x, 103 pp..
10. IHS
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woollett, stephen; clark, david (pr.).
alternative rural services:a community initiatives manual
1. ed., repr., with, bedford square press, national council for voluntary organisations (ncvo); 1982. x, 103 pp..
25 Datensätze gefundenDie Anfrage war Umfang:("103 pp.")
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