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<section name="raw">
      <record key="001" att1="001" value="171110" att2="171110">001   171110</record>
      <field key="037" subkey="x">englisch</field>
      <field key="050" subkey="x">Graue Literatur</field>
      <field key="076" subkey="">Ökonomie</field>
      <field key="079" subkey="y">;printsec=frontcover</field>
      <field key="079" subkey="z">Cuevas, Carlos E. - et al., Cooperative Financial Institutions (Google Book Search)</field>
      <field key="079" subkey="y"></field>
      <field key="079" subkey="z">The Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) System</field>
      <field key="100" subkey="">Cuevas, Carlos E.</field>
      <field key="103" subkey="">Adviser in the Financial Sector Operations and Policy Department of The World Bank</field>
      <field key="104" subkey="a">Fischer, Klaus P.</field>
      <field key="107" subkey="">Professor of Finance at Université Laval</field>
      <field key="200" subkey="b">The World Bank (Ed.)</field>
      <field key="331" subkey="">Cooperative Financial Institutions</field>
      <field key="335" subkey="">Issues in Governance, Regulation, and Supervision</field>
      <field key="403" subkey="">1. Ed.</field>
      <field key="410" subkey="">Washington, D.C.</field>
      <field key="412" subkey="">The World Bank</field>
      <field key="425" subkey="">2006, June</field>
      <field key="433" subkey="">ix, 59 pp.</field>
      <field key="451" subkey="">World Bank Working Paper; No. 82</field>
      <field key="517" subkey="c">from the Table of Contents: Abstract; Preface; Abbreviations and Acronyms; Introduction; Governance and Risk; The</field>
      <field key="Mac" subkey="r">o-governance, The Legal Environment; The Regulatory Framework; Appendix; References; List of Tables; List of Figures; List of</field>
      <field key="Box" subkey="e">s;</field>
      <field key="540" subkey="">0-8213-6684-X</field>
      <field key="540" subkey="">978-0-8213-6684-4</field>
      <field key="542" subkey="">1726-5878</field>
      <field key="544" subkey="">WB171110</field>
      <field key="700" subkey="b">334</field>
      <field key="700" subkey="b">Cooperatives</field>
      <field key="710" subkey="">Banks and banking, Cooperative -- Developing countries</field>
      <field key="710" subkey="">Financial services industry -- Developing countries</field>
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