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    <record xmlns="" xmlns:europeana="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:prov="">
<europeana:record xmlns:europeana="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><dc:title>Baščaršija cattle dealer in motion</dc:title><dc:creator>Akšamija, Alija M.</dc:creator><dc:description>Market scene in Baščaršija. Four men and two boys are standing around a group of sheep. To the left is a man in a baggy suit, shoes and hat, holding a walking stick behind his back in crossed hands. In front of him is a boy in a fes, čakšire and clogs, with a small bag over his shoulder. He rests his right hand on the back of one of the sheep and is turned towards an older, bearded man in Bosniak garb who is examining the sheep. In the centre is the blurred figure of a man, head bent towards the boy or the sheep, taking a step towards them. He is dressed in a fes and čakšire, and wears nanule on his bare feet. At his back, another man in ahmedija and a boy in a fes and dark jacket are also involved in the scene. In the background, a harnessed cart stands by the wall of a house.</dc:description><dc:description>The boy with his hand on the sheep is holding a booklet or paper bag in the same hand. Analogue photographic process, negative-positive (Agfa Isopan 17 DIN). Original preserved as a positive on silver bromine paper, stored as a print and a digital record.</dc:description><dc:subject>Place Names</dc:subject><dc:subject>Location</dc:subject><dc:subject>Special Garments</dc:subject><dc:subject>Domesticated Animals</dc:subject><dc:subject>Labor and Leisure</dc:subject><dc:source>Alija M. Akšamija private collection, Sarajevo, A.M.A. P 25 39</dc:source><dc:publisher>Middle Eastern Studies, University of Basel</dc:publisher><dc:contributor>Mehmed A. Akšamija</dc:contributor><dc:contributor>Kristina Ilić</dc:contributor><dc:contributor>Nataša Mišković</dc:contributor><dc:contributor>Swiss National Science Foundation</dc:contributor><dc:relation>A Visual Approach to Explore Everyday Life in Turkish and Yugoslav Cities, 1920s and 1930s</dc:relation><dc:rights>All rights reserved.</dc:rights><dc:type>DigitalObject</dc:type><dc:identifier></dc:identifier><dcterms:isPartOf></dcterms:isPartOf><dcterms:spatial>Bosnia and Herzegovina</dcterms:spatial><dcterms:temporal>1939</dcterms:temporal><europeana:object></europeana:object><europeana:provider>EuropeanaLocal Austria</europeana:provider><europeana:type>IMAGE</europeana:type><europeana:rights></europeana:rights><europeana:dataProvider>University of Graz</europeana:dataProvider><europeana:isShownAt></europeana:isShownAt></europeana:record>  </metadata>
<about><prov:provenance xmlns:prov="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><prov:originDescription harvestDate="2022-02-14T14:23:40Z" altered="false"><prov:baseURL></prov:baseURL><prov:identifier>hdl:11471/1010.3.4904</prov:identifier><prov:datestamp>2021-04-23T09:56:21Z</prov:datestamp><prov:metadataNamespace></prov:metadataNamespace></prov:originDescription></prov:provenance></about></record>
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