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    <record xmlns="" xmlns:europeana="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:prov="">
<europeana:record xmlns:europeana="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><dc:title>Bosniak gentleman in Baščaršija</dc:title><dc:creator>Akšamija, Alija M.</dc:creator><dc:description>Upper body portrait of a middle-aged man in elegant European attire and fes, turning to look back into the camera on a sunny winter day. He seems to be throwing a smile to the onlookers before disappearing into the street scene he is part of, which is dominated by a view of the Sebilj fountain and snowy rooftops. In the background, two soldiers in Yugoslav uniform are talking to each other, a boy is holding a sheep on a rope, and old men in traditional garb are walking down, while veiled women walk up, Baščaršija.</dc:description><dc:description>In the course of the 1930s, younger men and government officials employed in the administration in Sarajevo started to wear European-style suits. The Bosniaks combined them with the fes. The style was somewhat outdated, reminiscent of the late 1920s. During the winter, men in Sarajevo dressed in long coats and suits with white shirts and a tie. They preferred narrow lapels, and wore their coats buttoned up to the top. Trousers were straight and rather short, leaving the socks visible. Some men wore Oxford Bags and fitted coats with broad lapels. It was common to fold back the sleeves, like the man in the photograph. Analogue photographic process, negative-positive (Agfa Isopan 17 DIN). Original preserved as a positive on silver bromide paper, stored as a print and a digital record.</dc:description><dc:subject>Place Names</dc:subject><dc:subject>Normal Garb</dc:subject><dc:subject>Social Stratification</dc:subject><dc:subject>Occupational Specialization</dc:subject><dc:source>Alija M. Akšamija private collection, Sarajevo, A.M.A. P 4 39</dc:source><dc:publisher>Middle Eastern Studies, University of Basel</dc:publisher><dc:contributor>Mehmed A. Akšamija</dc:contributor><dc:contributor>Nataša Mišković</dc:contributor><dc:contributor>Swiss National Science Foundation</dc:contributor><dc:relation>A Visual Approach to Explore Everyday Life in Turkish and Yugoslav Cities, 1920s and 1930s</dc:relation><dc:rights>All rights reserved.</dc:rights><dc:type>DigitalObject</dc:type><dc:identifier></dc:identifier><dcterms:isPartOf></dcterms:isPartOf><dcterms:spatial>Bosnia and Herzegovina</dcterms:spatial><dcterms:temporal>1939</dcterms:temporal><europeana:object></europeana:object><europeana:provider>EuropeanaLocal Austria</europeana:provider><europeana:type>IMAGE</europeana:type><europeana:rights></europeana:rights><europeana:dataProvider>University of Graz</europeana:dataProvider><europeana:isShownAt></europeana:isShownAt></europeana:record>  </metadata>
<about><prov:provenance xmlns:prov="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><prov:originDescription harvestDate="2022-02-14T14:24:01Z" altered="false"><prov:baseURL></prov:baseURL><prov:identifier>hdl:11471/1010.3.4854</prov:identifier><prov:datestamp>2021-04-23T09:56:20Z</prov:datestamp><prov:metadataNamespace></prov:metadataNamespace></prov:originDescription></prov:provenance></about></record>
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