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    <record xmlns="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:prov="">

<oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <dc:title xml:lang="deu">Klassizismus in Aktion</dc:title>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">ÖFOS 2012, German studies</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="deu">ÖFOS 2012, Germanistik</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">ÖFOS 2012, Aesthetics</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="deu">ÖFOS 2012, Ästhetik</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">ÖFOS 2012, Art history</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="deu">ÖFOS 2012, Kunstgeschichte</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="deu">ÖFOS 2012, Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">ÖFOS 2012, General literature studies</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Theory of art</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Theory of art</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, History of art: ancient &amp; classical art,BCE to c 500 CE</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, History of art &amp; design styles: c 1400 to c 1600</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Art &amp; design styles: Classicism</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Art &amp; design styles: Romanticism</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Painting &amp; paintings</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Drawing &amp; drawings</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Prints &amp; printmaking</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Sculpture</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Poetry by individual poets</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Literary essays</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Literary theory</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Categories, Philosophy: aesthetics</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Qualifiers, Germany</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Qualifiers, Switzerland</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Qualifiers, Italy</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Qualifiers, Greece</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Qualifiers, German</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Qualifiers, c 1700 to c 1800</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">BIC Standard Subject Qualifiers, c 1800 to c 1900</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="deu">Klassizismus, Goethe, um 1800, Ästhetik, Literaturtheorie und Literaturgeschichte, Kunsttheorie und Kunstgeschichte, Klassische Archäologie</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject xml:lang="eng">Classicism, Goethe, around 1800, Aesthetics, Literary Theory and Literary History, Art Theory and Art History, Classical Archeology</dc:subject>
  <dc:description xml:lang="deu">Die Beiträge des Bandes beschäftigen sich mit der von Goethe herausgegebenen Kunstzeitschrift Propyläen. Erstmals werden die darin veröffentlichten Texte und Abbildungen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive unter Berücksichtigung des inneren Zusammenhangs der Zeitschrift sowie der zeitgenössischen Kontexte untersucht. Der Forschung soll so ein vertiefender Einblick in die spannungsreiche Beschaffenheit des klassizistischen Weimarer Kunstprogramms eröffnet werden.</dc:description>
  <dc:description xml:lang="eng">The collection of essays considers the art journal Propyläen that was edited by Goethe in the years between 1798 and 1800 for the first time as a whole. This enterprise, which was of great significance for the history of aesthetics, will be placed in a new light. The book situates the texts within their historical contexts, and thus provides a key resource for future research, for literary as well as art studies.</dc:description>
  <dc:publisher>Wolf, N. (Norbert Christian)</dc:publisher>
  <dc:publisher>Ehrmann, D. (Daniel)</dc:publisher>
  <dc:format>9453616 bytes</dc:format>
  <dc:coverage xml:lang="deu">1790-1810; Weimarer Klassik, Heiliges Römisches Reich, Schweiz, Italien, Griechenland</dc:coverage>
  <dc:coverage xml:lang="eng">1790-1810; Weimar Classicism, Holy Roman Empire, Switzerland, Italy, Greece</dc:coverage>
<about><prov:provenance xmlns:prov="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><prov:originDescription harvestDate="2019-05-02T09:13:41Z" altered="false"><prov:baseURL></prov:baseURL><prov:identifier>info:fedora/</prov:identifier><prov:datestamp>2018-09-20T09:37:41Z</prov:datestamp><prov:metadataNamespace></prov:metadataNamespace></prov:originDescription></prov:provenance></about></record>
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