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<section name="raw"> <SEQUENTIAL> <record key="001" att1="001" value="IHS100848503" att2="IHS100848503">001 IHS100848503</record> <field key="037" subkey="x">englisch</field> <field key="050" subkey="x">Buch</field> <field key="076" subkey="">Formalwissenschaft</field> <field key="087" subkey="a">21</field> <field key="100" subkey="b">massarik, fred (ed.)</field> <field key="104" subkey="b">ratoosh, philburn (ed.)</field> <field key="331" subkey="">mathematical explorations in behavioral science</field> <field key="403" subkey="">1. pr.</field> <field key="410" subkey="">homewood, illinois</field> <field key="412" subkey="">richard d. irwin, and the dorsey press</field> <field key="425" subkey="">1965, june</field> <field key="433" subkey="">viii, 387 pp.</field> <field key="451" subkey="">the irwin-dorsey series in behavioral science</field> <field key="451" subkey="h">mee, john f. (ed.) ; bennis, warren g. (ed.)</field> <field key="517" subkey="c">from the table of contents: mathematics and behavioral science: some prefatory thoughts; explorations in philosophy and method;</field> <field key="ind" subkey="i">vidual behavior: the search for pattern; group behavior: interaction and conflict; group behavior: process and performance;</field> <field key="the" subkey="">behavior of large social aggregates: parks, cities, and society;</field> <field key="544" subkey="">3042-A</field> </SEQUENTIAL> </section> Servertime: 0.316 sec | Clienttime: