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<section name="raw">
      <record key="001" att1="001" value="163294" att2="163294">001   163294</record>
      <field key="037" subkey="x">deutsch</field>
      <field key="050" subkey="x">Buch</field>
      <field key="076" subkey="">Sozialwissenschaft</field>
      <field key="079" subkey="y">;printsec=frontcover</field>
      <field key="079" subkey="z">Chelimsky, Eleanor (Ed.) - et al., Evaluation for the 21st Century (Google Book Search, Limited Preview)</field>
      <field key="087" subkey="a">33</field>
      <field key="100" subkey="b">Chelimsky, Eleanor (Ed.)</field>
      <field key="103" subkey="">Member of the Advisory Boards for the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration and for Carnegie Mellon's</field>
      <field key="Joh" subkey="n">Heinz School of Public Policy</field>
      <field key="104" subkey="b">Shadish, William R. (Ed.)</field>
      <field key="107" subkey="">Professor of Psychology at the University of Memphis</field>
      <field key="331" subkey="">Evaluation for the 21st Century</field>
      <field key="335" subkey="">A Handbook</field>
      <field key="335" subkey="a">Campbell, Donald T. ; In Memoriam</field>
      <field key="403" subkey="">1. Ed.</field>
      <field key="410" subkey="">Thousand Oaks, California, London, New Delhi</field>
      <field key="412" subkey="">Sage Publications, International Educational and Professional Publisher</field>
      <field key="425" subkey="">1997</field>
      <field key="433" subkey="">xiii, 542 pp.</field>
      <field key="517" subkey="c">from the Table of Contents: Preface; Evaluation - Yesterday and Today; Auditing and Evaluation; Performance Measurement and</field>
      <field key="Eva" subkey="l">uation; International Evaluation; New Topics for Evaluation; A Sampler of the Current Methodological Tool Kit; An Enduring</field>
      <field key="Arg" subkey="u">ment about the Purpose of Evaluation;</field>
      <field key="540" subkey="">0-7619-0611-8</field>
      <field key="544" subkey="">18899-A</field>
      <field key="700" subkey="b">001</field>
      <field key="700" subkey="b">Knowledge</field>
      <field key="710" subkey="">Evaluation research (Social action programs)</field>
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