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    <record xmlns="" xmlns:europeana="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:prov="">
<europeana:record xmlns:europeana="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><dc:title>"Chancellery of the Russian Governor in Svishtov 1878."</dc:title><dc:creator>Stojanović/Karastoyanov, Anastas Nikolov; Karastoyanov, Ivan Anastasov</dc:creator><dc:contributor>Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P 22104-G18</dc:contributor><dc:description>Photograph of nine men, sitting and standing in two rows, with a carpet in front of them. In the first row five men are seated - two of them in military uniforms, holding swords; the others are wearing plain city clothes. The man in the center is holding a carnation, additionally colored in red and green. In the second row four men in urban clothes are standing. On the left and in the background there are potted plants. Recto: hand-written inscription in Russian. Verso: hand-written inscriptions in Russian with the names and positions of all photographed persons.</dc:description><dc:description>The Transitional Russian rule was established during the Russo-Ottoman War in April 1877, and suspended by the Treaty of the Congress of Berlin (13 June – 13 July 1878) and the establishment of Eastern Rumelia and the Principality of Bulgaria. The man in the center is Marko Dimitriev Balabanov (1837 - 1921) - Vice Governor of Svishtov and Ruse, lawyer and journalist; Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ecclesiastical Matters (1878; 1883 - 1884); diplomat in the Ottoman Empire, in Romania and in Greece; lecturer at the University of Sofia (1889 - 1898) and member of the Bulgarian Literary Society (since 1911 called Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). Among the photographed is Emanuil Ivanov (1857 - 1925), a scholar, mathematician and physicist, one of the founders of the University of Sofia and elected rector of the University (1890 - 1892 and 1893 - 1894). As of 1898 he was a correspondent member of the Bulgarian Literary Society (renamed "Bulgarian Academy of Sciences" in 1911) and became a full member in 1900.</dc:description><dc:description/><dc:subject>Press</dc:subject><dc:subject>Clothing</dc:subject><dc:subject>Verbal Arts</dc:subject><dc:subject>State</dc:subject><dc:subject>Uniform and Accouterment</dc:subject><dc:subject>Weapons</dc:subject><dc:subject>Social Stratification</dc:subject><dc:subject>Political Behavior</dc:subject><dc:subject>Science and Humanities</dc:subject><dc:source>Национална Библиотека "Св. св. Кирил и Методий", C III  1122</dc:source><dc:publisher>Southeast European History and Anthropology, Institute of
            History, University of Graz</dc:publisher><dc:contributor>Anelia Kassabova</dc:contributor><dc:relation>Visual Archive of Southeastern Europe</dc:relation><dc:rights>Resource licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0</dc:rights><dc:type>DigitalObject</dc:type><dc:identifier></dc:identifier><dcterms:isPartOf></dcterms:isPartOf><dcterms:spatial>Bulgaria</dcterms:spatial><dcterms:temporal>1878</dcterms:temporal><europeana:object></europeana:object><europeana:provider>EuropeanaLocal Austria</europeana:provider><europeana:type>IMAGE</europeana:type><europeana:rights></europeana:rights><europeana:dataProvider>University of Graz</europeana:dataProvider><europeana:isShownAt></europeana:isShownAt></europeana:record>  </metadata>
<about><prov:provenance xmlns:prov="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><prov:originDescription harvestDate="2022-02-14T11:18:38Z" altered="false"><prov:baseURL></prov:baseURL><prov:identifier>hdl:11471/505.20.1919</prov:identifier><prov:datestamp>2021-04-23T09:59:22Z</prov:datestamp><prov:metadataNamespace></prov:metadataNamespace></prov:originDescription></prov:provenance></about></record>
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