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    <record xmlns="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:prov="">
        <oai_dc:dc xmlns:oai_dc="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="    ">
                <dc:title>Lusen (Bavarian Forest) National Park Visitor Centre, Neuschönau</dc:title>
                    <dc:creator>Project Leader: Ernst Baumann - Helmut Hastreiter - Luis Dietrich - Volker Hagen - Klaus Uhlmann, Architects (Munich -DE)</dc:creator>
                    <dc:publisher>Organisation: Ernst Baumann - Helmut Hastreiter - Luis Dietrich - Volker Hagen - Klaus Uhlmann, Architects (Munich -DE)</dc:publisher>
                    <dc:contributor>Freistaat Bayern, Bayrisches Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten</dc:contributor>
                    <dc:date>Duration From: 1981-01-01</dc:date>
                    <dc:date>Duration To: 1981-12-31</dc:date>
                <dc:date>Entry year: 1983</dc:date>
                <dc:subject>Stock: CONSERVATION</dc:subject>
                        <dc:subject>Category: cultural landscape</dc:subject>
                        <dc:subject>Building Type: Cultural/Natural landscape</dc:subject>


                    <dc:description>Creation of a new built information centre, fitted between two groups of rocks. The design reflects the typical Bavarian farmhouse layouts with courtyards and arcades. The details of the timber construction were executed in the tradition of rural handicraft art. Landscaping with plants of the region including the creation of a pool.</dc:description>

                <dc:identifier>Registration Nr.: 83-D/23</dc:identifier>
                <dc:identifier>Intern Registration Nr.: W-1983 CON-08 DE</dc:identifier>
                <dc:identifier>Version Nr.: 1983108</dc:identifier>
                    <dcterms:spatial>GPS: 48°53'25.2"N 13°29'11.3"E</dcterms:spatial>
                    <dcterms:spatial>Town: Neuschönau (Bavaria)</dcterms:spatial>
                    <dcterms:spatial>ZIP Code: 94556 </dcterms:spatial>
                    <dcterms:spatial>Street: Böhmstraße 35</dcterms:spatial>
                    <dc:description>Jury Citation: "Für einen Neubau, der sich in der Materialwahl und Gestaltung harmonisch und beispielgebend in die gewachsene Landschaft einfügt"</dc:description>
                    <dc:description>Notes: New building in a protected area
                    <dc:description>Notes4: 1 entry form, 1 short description, 2 p. of description, 14 photos, 10 plans, 1 copy of photo, 1 documentation: Informationsdienst Holz, No 15, 1 envelope with duplicates of photos </dc:description>
                    <dcterms:spatial>Country Name: Germany</dcterms:spatial>
                    <dcterms:spatial>Country Shortcut: DE</dcterms:spatial>
                <dcterms:rightsHolder>European Heritage Awards Archive</dcterms:rightsHolder>


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