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# Ausw.
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1. IHS
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Hainsworth, Paul (Ed.).
The Extreme Right in Europe and the USA
1. Paperback Ed.,Themes in Right-Wing Ideology and Politics Series, Eatwell, Roger (Ed.). London, Pinter Publishers, Eatwell, Roger (Ed.); 1994. xiv, 320 pp..
2. IHS
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Majone, Giandomenico (Ed.).
Deregulation or Re-regulation?:Regulatory Reform in Europe and the United States ; Conference Papers
1. Ed..London, Pinter Publishers; 1992. 262 pp..
3. IHS
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Garcia, Soledad (Ed.).
European Identity and the Search for Legitimacy
1. Ed., Symposium 'Images of Europe' ; The Eleni Nakou Foundation (Sp.) ; The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Sp.) ; Crete ;.London, New York, Pinter Publishers; 1993. xiii, 185 pp..
4. IHS
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freeman, christopher (ed.).
small countries facing the technological revolution
1. ed., seminar ; institute of production at aalborg university centre (sp.) ; tannishus, northern denmark ; 1987,, new york, pinter publishers; 1988. vi, 303 pp..
5. IHS
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lodge, juliet (ed.).
the european community and the challenge of the future
1., pinter publishers; 1989. xii, 334 pp..
6. IHS
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clark, norman; juma, calestous.
long-run economics:an evolutionary approach to economic growth
1., new york, pinter publishers; 1987. 206 pp..
7. IHS
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dosi, giovanni (ed.).
technical change and economic theory:conference papers
1. ed.,ifias research series; no. 6, the international federation of institutes for advanced study (ifias) (ed.). london, new york, pinter publishers, the international federation of institutes for advanced study (ifias) (ed.); 1988. x, 646 pp..
8. IHS
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Martin, Ben R.; Spiegel, E. van (Pr.); Irvine, John.
Research Foresight:Priority-Setting in Science
1. Ed..London, New York, Pinter Publishers; 1989. ix, 366 pp..
9. IHS
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Aslund, Anders (Ed.).
Changing the Economic System in Russia
1. Ed., Conference ; The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden (Sp.) ; et al. ; Stockholm School of Economics ; 1992, June 15-16.London, Pinter Publishers; 1993. xviii, 237 pp..
10. IHS
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Liebert, Ulrike (Ed.).
Parliament and Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey:Revised Papers originally presented at two Conferences held in 1986 and 1987
1. Ed..London, New York, Pinter Publishers; 1990. xii, 277 pp..
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