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47 Datensätze gefundenDie Anfrage war Inhaltsverzeichnis:("from the Table of Contents: Summary")
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# Ausw.
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1. IHS
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Ormala, Erkki (Pr.).
Managing National Innovation Systems
1. Ed..Paris, OECD; 1999. 118 pp..
OECD (Ed.), Managing National Innovation Systems (Google Book Search, Limited Preview)
2. IHS
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tinbergen, j..
economic policy: principles and design
1. ed.,contributions to economic analysis; (x), sandee, j. (ed.) ; strotz, r. (ed.) ; tinbergen, j. (ed.) ; et al.. amsterdam, north-holland publishing company, sandee, j. (ed.) ; strotz, r. (ed.) ; tinbergen, j. (ed.) ; et al.; 1964. xxviii, 276 pp..
3. IHS
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Serageldin, Ismail (Pr.).
Livable Cities for the 21st Century
1. Ed.,Directions in Development. Washington, D.C., The World Bank; 1996, November. v, 47 pp..
The World Bank, Livable Cities for the 21st Century (WB Publication)
4. IHS
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chenery, hollis b.; clark, paul g..
interindustry economics
2. york, john wiley and sons; 1962, april. xv, 345 pp..
5. IHS
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arrow, kenneth j.; fisher, joseph l. (pr.); kurz, mordecai.
public investment, the rate of return, and optimal fiscal policy
2. pr.,resources for the future, jarrett, henry (ed.) ; dodds, vera w. (ed.) ; roots, nora e. (ed.) ; et al.. baltimore, london, the johns hopkins press, jarrett, henry (ed.) ; dodds, vera w. (ed.) ; roots, nora e. (ed.) ; et al.; 1971. xxviii, 218 pp..
6. IHS
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little, ian; philip, andré (pr.); scitovsky, tibor; scott, maurice.
industry and trade in some developing countries:a comparative study
1., new york, toronto, oxford university press; 1970. xxii, 512 pp..
7. IHS
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heesterman, a.r.g..
allocation models and their use in economic planning
1. ed..dordrecht, holland, d. reidel publishing company; 1971. xiv, 203 pp..
8. IHS
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elizur, dov; guttman, louis (pr.).
adapting to innovation:a facet analysis of the case of the computer
1. ed..jerusalem, jerusalem academic press; 1970. 215 pp..
9. IHS
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handler, philip (pr.).
the behavioral and social sciences: outlook and needs:a report
1. ed..englewood cliffs, new jersey, prentice-hall; 1969. xv, 320 pp..
10. IHS
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Fidrmuc, Jarko; Wörgötter, Andreas.
Contribution of the Tempus Programme to National Reform in the PHARE-Countries:Slovenia - Final Report ; Study commissioned by Tempus-France
1. Ed.,Institut für Höhere Studien; Projektberichte; 197; 417. Wien, Institut für Höhere Studien; 1996, June. 22 pp..
47 Datensätze gefundenDie Anfrage war Inhaltsverzeichnis:("from the Table of Contents: Summary")
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