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<section name="raw">
      <record key="###" att1="###" att2="12552" att3="01000024" recordType="h" att4="h">### 12552nM2.01000024      h</record>
      <field key="001" subfield="">0186697</field>
      <field key="004" subfield="">20130613094705</field>
      <field key="030" subfield="">a|||d</field>
      <field key="050" subfield="">JCD</field>
      <field key="050" subfield="">|||||aa</field>
      <field key="051" subfield="">m</field>
      <field key="100" subfield="">Sullivan, Joe</field>
      <field key="331" subfield="">¬The¬ chronological Joe Sullivan, 1945-1953</field>
      <field key="412" subfield="">Classics 1353</field>
      <field key="425" subfield="">1945-1953</field>
      <field key="501" subfield="">Track Title
1. Sister Kate (Michigan Square)
2. Panama
3. Timothy
4. Got It and Gone (Chicago Blues)
5. West End Blues
6. What's Your Name?
7. Armful of You
8. Solid Eclipse
9. Breezin'
10. Can't We Get Together?
11. Never Heard of Such Stuff
12. There'll Come a Time When You'll Need Me
13. If You Can't Be Good, Be Careful
14. Gin Mill Blues
15. That's a Plenty
16. Room With a View
17. Sweet Lorraine
18. Hangover Blues
19. Little Rock Getaway
20. Honeysuckle Rose
21. Summertime
22. Fido's Fantasy
23. My Little Pride and Joy
24. I Cover the Waterfront
25. Farewell to Riverside</field>
Servertime: 0.122 sec | Clienttime: sec