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81 Datensätze gefundenDie Anfrage war Verleger:("american elsevier publishing company")
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# Ausw.
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1. IHS
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mesarovic, mihajlo d. (ed.).
systems approach and the city
1. ed., fifth systems symposium ; case western reserve university (sp.) ; case western reserve university ; 1970, november, london, north-holland publishing company, new york, american elsevier publishing company; 1972. xvii, 481 pp..
2. IHS
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hays, david g. (ed.).
readings in automatic language processing
1. york, american elsevier publishing company; 1966. v, 202 pp..
3. IHS
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balinski, m.l. (ed.).
approaches to integer programming
1. ed.,mathematical programming studies; 2, balinski, m.l. (ed.) ; beale, e.m.l. (ed.) ; dantzig, george b. (ed.) ; et al.. amsterdam, oxford, north-holland publishing company, new york, american elsevier publishing company, balinski, m.l. (ed.) ; beale, e.m.l. (ed.) ; dantzig, george b. (ed.) ; et al.; 1974. vii, 197 pp..
4. IHS
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balinski, m.l. (ed.).
nondifferentiable optimization
1. ed.,mathematical programming studies; 3, balinski, m.l. (ed.) ; beale, e.m.l. (ed.) ; dantzig, george b. (ed.) ; et al.. amsterdam, oxford, north-holland publishing company, new york, american elsevier publishing company, balinski, m.l. (ed.) ; beale, e.m.l. (ed.) ; dantzig, george b. (ed.) ; et al.; 1975. xi, 178 pp..
5. IHS
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stein, jerome l. (ed.).
1. ed.,studies in monetary economics; vol. 1, brunner, karl (ed.) ; fischer, stanley (ed.) ; dornbusch, rudiger (assoc. ed.) ; et al.. amsterdam, new york, oxford, north-holland publishing company, new york, american elsevier publishing company, brunner, karl (ed.) ; fischer, stanley (ed.) ; dornbusch, rudiger (assoc. ed.) ; et al.; 1976. viii, 342 pp..
6. IHS
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quade, e.s. (ed.).
systems analysis and policy planning:applications in defense
1. york, american elsevier publishing company; 1968. xxiii, 453 pp..
7. IHS
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powell, alan a. (ed.).
econometric studies of macro and monetary relations:papers presented at the second australasian conference of econometricians
1. ed., second australasian conference of econometricians ; department of economics, monash university (sp.) ; econometric society (sp.).amsterdam, london, north-holland publishing company, new york, american elsevier publishing company; 1973. viii, 358 pp..
8. IHS
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sengupta, jati k..
stochastic programming:methods and applications
1., north-holland publishing company, new york, american elsevier publishing company; 1972. xi, 313 pp..
9. IHS
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yakowitz, sidney j..
mathematics of adaptive control processes
1. ed.,modern analytic and computational methods in science and mathematics; 14, bellman, richard (ed.), a group of monographs and advanced textbooks. new york, american elsevier publishing company, bellman, richard (ed.); 1969. xv, 158 pp..
10. IHS
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demyanov, vladimir f.; kranc, george m. (tr.); rubinov, aleksandr m..
approximate methods in optimization problems
1., engl. ed.,modern analytic and computational methods in science and mathematics; 32, bellman, richard (ed.), a group of monographs and advanced textbooks. new york, american elsevier publishing company, bellman, richard (ed.); 1970. ix, 256 pp..
81 Datensätze gefundenDie Anfrage war Verleger:("american elsevier publishing company")
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